In the play however, This scene was just a flashback.

As all the girls started putting random things into the pot, (in both the play and movie someone puts in a frog) Abigail started slowly going crazy. In the very beginning of the movie it shows a group of girls around a fire with Tituba (Reverend Parris’s slave) shouting chants.

Starting with Abigail being naked in the woods and not Mercy, then Abigail’s feelings toward John Proctor were stronger in the movie, also, the entire play was inside while the movie had quite a few scenes outside. There was many additional scenes, or moods, in the movie that was not expressed in the play. The famous play “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller and the movie “The Crucible” may share the same name but have many differences, whether it’s the characters and how they act, or the way the scene changes, or in this example how the completely focus the story on something else.